
Falling of Hair - Causes and Treatment

* Loss of hair at a very tender age has become a common   disorder these days. It causes a great deal of concern to
   persons affected by loss of hair.* The average growth rate is about 1.2 cm per month, growing
   fastest on women between the ages of 15 and 30.* The most important cause of loss of hair is inadequate nutrition.* Persons lacking vitamin B6 lose their hair and those deficient in
   folic acid often become completely bald.* Another important cause of falling of hair is stress such as worry,
   anxiety, and sudden shock.* General debility, caused by severe or long standing illnesses like
   typhoid, syphilis, chronic cold, influenza and anemia, also gives
   rise to hair fall because it weakens the hair roots.*  Unclean condition of the scalp can also cause loss of hair.* Heredity is another predisposing factor which may cause
   hair to fall.* Intake of sufficient amounts of essential nutrients in the daily diet.
* Protein is necessary for luxuriant hair. Women require 60 grams,
   men 80 to 90, adolescent boys and girls 80 to 100 grams of protein.* Lack of inositol causes loss of hair. Any person having trouble with
   his or her hair should eat foods rich in inositol such as yeast, liver,
   and molasses. * Seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits provide adequate
   amounts of all the essential nutrients.  * Amla oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil,
   is considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth.
   A mixture of equal quantity of fresh amla juice and lime juice
   used as a shampoo stimulates hair growth and prevents
   hair loss.* Daily application of refined coconut oil mixed with limewater
  and lime juice on the hair prevents loss of hair and
  lengthens them.* Application of green coriander (leaves) juice is beneficial
  on the hair.* Mustard oil boiled with henna leaves is useful in healthy
   growth of hair.* Another effective home remedy is application of coconut milk
   all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair roots nourishes
   the hair and promotes hair growth.* A fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram can also be
  applied regularly with beneficial results on bald patches.* The seeds of lime and black pepper seeds, ground to get a
   fine paste, is one of the valuable remedies. This paste applied
   on the patches has mildly irritant action. This increases
   blood circulation in the affected area and stimulates hair growth.
   The paste should be applied twice a day for few weeks.
* Loss of hair at a very tender age has become a common   disorder these days. It causes a great deal of concern to
   persons affected by loss of hair.* The average growth rate is about 1.2 cm per month, growing
   fastest on women between the ages of 15 and 30.* The most important cause of loss of hair is inadequate nutrition.* Persons lacking vitamin B6 lose their hair and those deficient in
   folic acid often become completely bald.* Another important cause of falling of hair is stress such as worry,
   anxiety, and sudden shock.* General debility, caused by severe or long standing illnesses like
   typhoid, syphilis, chronic cold, influenza and anemia, also gives
   rise to hair fall because it weakens the hair roots.*  Unclean condition of the scalp can also cause loss of hair.* Heredity is another predisposing factor which may cause
   hair to fall.* Intake of sufficient amounts of essential nutrients in the daily diet.
* Protein is necessary for luxuriant hair. Women require 60 grams,
   men 80 to 90, adolescent boys and girls 80 to 100 grams of protein.* Lack of inositol causes loss of hair. Any person having trouble with
   his or her hair should eat foods rich in inositol such as yeast, liver,
   and molasses. * Seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits provide adequate
   amounts of all the essential nutrients.  * Amla oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil,
   is considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth.
   A mixture of equal quantity of fresh amla juice and lime juice
   used as a shampoo stimulates hair growth and prevents
   hair loss.* Daily application of refined coconut oil mixed with limewater
  and lime juice on the hair prevents loss of hair and
  lengthens them.* Application of green coriander (leaves) juice is beneficial
  on the hair.* Mustard oil boiled with henna leaves is useful in healthy
   growth of hair.* Another effective home remedy is application of coconut milk
   all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair roots nourishes
   the hair and promotes hair growth.* A fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram can also be
  applied regularly with beneficial results on bald patches.* The seeds of lime and black pepper seeds, ground to get a
   fine paste, is one of the valuable remedies. This paste applied
   on the patches has mildly irritant action. This increases
   blood circulation in the affected area and stimulates hair growth.
   The paste should be applied twice a day for few weeks.
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Developing a Talent is higher than identifying it (delray tenis)

The term of player development is the basic pathway structure, in order to get the best players. The particular goal is the like an intersection between the factors like opportunity and commitment. The complete sport science depends on the number of disciplines like nutrition, physical workout, strength, motor learning and many other processes that plays major role in the successful development of players. The experts design the particular frame of all the training programs in order to systematically regulate the intensity, frequency, volume and competition. The training sessions provide the variety of challenges in front of performer. He can easily accept the entire situation as learning field.

If the interested personality starts their practice at the earliest stage then he will get more chances to improve their performance and easily reach at peak level. For tennis evaluation, there is equal need of practice, complete rest and nutritional diet to prevent the overburden. The trainers work with the well managed schedule, even they put the equal consideration of the age specific goals. If we consider about the junior group then the parents and instructors both play the major role and works as a chief motivator.

In the specific age group of 6-8 years, the main objective of the experts is to develop the interest and provide the introduction about the general ideas or rules that has the strong relation with the game. It is the best age to learn about the terms discipline and coordination along with the small period for a practice session. If we come on some higher group around the age of 9-11 years, here the objectives of trainers get a small turn. The professional experts put their major emphasis on technical and strategic skills. For tennis evaluation, there is use of well management plans and practice in proper tennis court.

The trainers' works on the development of the basic court movements along with the consideration of the every rule and regulation related to the tournament. Here, the 70% command is over the tennis practice and remaining 30% of the other sports for the respective health factors. The group of 12-14 years old members is specially treated for physical fitness and mental toughness. At the particular stage, the mind of the player is able to easily catch the teaching terms especially if they are provided in the form of video analysis. At this stage there is a need to work on the natural style of the player for overall development.

If we drag on the age group of 15-16 years (intermediate level) there is use of definite training methods for the measurement of fitness level and the major emphasis on preparation for high performance. The players execute their practice by putting the goal of match situation. At the advanced level with the age group of 16-18 years, there is use of all the physical and mental level practices. Here the player has to give it 100% whether it is related to volume (amount of work performed), frequency (time factor) and intensity (how hard the player work).

For more information visit:-

Delray Competitive tennis evaluation Academy is located in South Florida which offers complete tennis training for school students and tennis player to improve their performance & playing skills.
The term of player development is the basic pathway structure, in order to get the best players. The particular goal is the like an intersection between the factors like opportunity and commitment. The complete sport science depends on the number of disciplines like nutrition, physical workout, strength, motor learning and many other processes that plays major role in the successful development of players. The experts design the particular frame of all the training programs in order to systematically regulate the intensity, frequency, volume and competition. The training sessions provide the variety of challenges in front of performer. He can easily accept the entire situation as learning field.

If the interested personality starts their practice at the earliest stage then he will get more chances to improve their performance and easily reach at peak level. For tennis evaluation, there is equal need of practice, complete rest and nutritional diet to prevent the overburden. The trainers work with the well managed schedule, even they put the equal consideration of the age specific goals. If we consider about the junior group then the parents and instructors both play the major role and works as a chief motivator.

In the specific age group of 6-8 years, the main objective of the experts is to develop the interest and provide the introduction about the general ideas or rules that has the strong relation with the game. It is the best age to learn about the terms discipline and coordination along with the small period for a practice session. If we come on some higher group around the age of 9-11 years, here the objectives of trainers get a small turn. The professional experts put their major emphasis on technical and strategic skills. For tennis evaluation, there is use of well management plans and practice in proper tennis court.

The trainers' works on the development of the basic court movements along with the consideration of the every rule and regulation related to the tournament. Here, the 70% command is over the tennis practice and remaining 30% of the other sports for the respective health factors. The group of 12-14 years old members is specially treated for physical fitness and mental toughness. At the particular stage, the mind of the player is able to easily catch the teaching terms especially if they are provided in the form of video analysis. At this stage there is a need to work on the natural style of the player for overall development.

If we drag on the age group of 15-16 years (intermediate level) there is use of definite training methods for the measurement of fitness level and the major emphasis on preparation for high performance. The players execute their practice by putting the goal of match situation. At the advanced level with the age group of 16-18 years, there is use of all the physical and mental level practices. Here the player has to give it 100% whether it is related to volume (amount of work performed), frequency (time factor) and intensity (how hard the player work).

For more information visit:-

Delray Competitive tennis evaluation Academy is located in South Florida which offers complete tennis training for school students and tennis player to improve their performance & playing skills.
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Eye Care - Methods and Remedies

Eyes are most sensitive and expressive part of your face.  Listed below are some tested methods for good eye-care.
i)  If the skin around your eyes is quite dry, apply cream over it by
gently patting it over the area and wipe off  the superfluous or
extra cream by tissue paper.ii)  Your eyes' beauty has a direct bearing upon your diet.  Include
such items in your food as have high vitamin A content.
Carrots, turnip, apricots, etc. are a rich sources of Vitamin A.
Also have lot of fibrous vegetables like beans so that your
system remains unconstipated.    iii)  Have as much water as you can.  Water drive out toxins from
your body and also helps in keeping eyes remain clean and glowing.  iv)  While using beauty aids, use only herbal products or
hypo-allergic beauty-aids because they don’t cause any allergy.v)  Always wash your eyes with cold water and never with hot  If you are used to having alcohol, slash its consumption to
the minimum.  Alcohol not only adversely affects your eye-sight
but also dries the skin, around your eyes, and leaves dark
      rings. SAME IS FOR SMOKING.vii)  Use eye-make up very sparingly, for its excessive use damages
the skin around the eye.viii)  Use a soft brush to apply a little Almond oil on your eye-lashes
before you retire. This application would make your eye-lashes longer.  HOME REMEDIES FOR NOURISHMENT OF THE SKIN AROUND THE EYES:*  Just cut round pieces of "cucumber or potato." Keep them in a
deep freezer and put them on your eyes.  This enhances the beauty
of the eyes as well as eye-sight.*  Rubbing a little of almond oil, around your eyes before you retire,
    would keep the skin soft and glowing.  The juice of a water-melon
    is also a very good substitute of almond oil.  This juice also
takes away the wrinkles around the eyes.

Eyes are most sensitive and expressive part of your face.  Listed below are some tested methods for good eye-care.
i)  If the skin around your eyes is quite dry, apply cream over it by
gently patting it over the area and wipe off  the superfluous or
extra cream by tissue paper.ii)  Your eyes' beauty has a direct bearing upon your diet.  Include
such items in your food as have high vitamin A content.
Carrots, turnip, apricots, etc. are a rich sources of Vitamin A.
Also have lot of fibrous vegetables like beans so that your
system remains unconstipated.    iii)  Have as much water as you can.  Water drive out toxins from
your body and also helps in keeping eyes remain clean and glowing.  iv)  While using beauty aids, use only herbal products or
hypo-allergic beauty-aids because they don’t cause any allergy.v)  Always wash your eyes with cold water and never with hot  If you are used to having alcohol, slash its consumption to
the minimum.  Alcohol not only adversely affects your eye-sight
but also dries the skin, around your eyes, and leaves dark
      rings. SAME IS FOR SMOKING.vii)  Use eye-make up very sparingly, for its excessive use damages
the skin around the eye.viii)  Use a soft brush to apply a little Almond oil on your eye-lashes
before you retire. This application would make your eye-lashes longer.  HOME REMEDIES FOR NOURISHMENT OF THE SKIN AROUND THE EYES:*  Just cut round pieces of "cucumber or potato." Keep them in a
deep freezer and put them on your eyes.  This enhances the beauty
of the eyes as well as eye-sight.*  Rubbing a little of almond oil, around your eyes before you retire,
    would keep the skin soft and glowing.  The juice of a water-melon
    is also a very good substitute of almond oil.  This juice also
takes away the wrinkles around the eyes.
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Fatigue - Causes and Treatment

* Almost every person has to work overtime on certain occasions,
sacrificing rest and sleep, which may cause temporary fatigue.* Fatigue is an indication that the cells of the body are not getting
sufficient live atoms in the food.* Chronic or continuous fatigue is, however, a serious problem which
   requires a comprehensive plan of treatment.* Chronic fatigue can result from a variety of factors.* The chief cause of fatigue is lowered vitality or lack of energy
due to wrong feeding habits.* Anemia is a very common ailment leading to tiredness.* Insomnia or lack of sleep can be a cause of fatigue.* Mental tension is one of the major causes of fatigue.
This leads to needless waste of energy.* People who eat small mid-meals suffer less from fatigue
and nervousness. Mid-meals consist of fresh or dried fruits,
fresh fruit or vegetable juices, raw vegetables or small sandwich
of whole grain bread. * Eat health foods which supply energy to the body.* Take optimum diet made up of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables,
and fruits.* Sprouting is an excellent way to eat seeds. Sprouting increases
the nutritional value of foods and many new vitamins.* Minerals are also important. Raw vegetables are rich in minerals.* Sodium and Zinc are also beneficial in the treatment of fatigue.* Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot juice, taken separately
or in combination with juices of beets and cucumbers, is highly
valuable in overcoming fatigue.
* Almost every person has to work overtime on certain occasions,
sacrificing rest and sleep, which may cause temporary fatigue.* Fatigue is an indication that the cells of the body are not getting
sufficient live atoms in the food.* Chronic or continuous fatigue is, however, a serious problem which
   requires a comprehensive plan of treatment.* Chronic fatigue can result from a variety of factors.* The chief cause of fatigue is lowered vitality or lack of energy
due to wrong feeding habits.* Anemia is a very common ailment leading to tiredness.* Insomnia or lack of sleep can be a cause of fatigue.* Mental tension is one of the major causes of fatigue.
This leads to needless waste of energy.* People who eat small mid-meals suffer less from fatigue
and nervousness. Mid-meals consist of fresh or dried fruits,
fresh fruit or vegetable juices, raw vegetables or small sandwich
of whole grain bread. * Eat health foods which supply energy to the body.* Take optimum diet made up of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables,
and fruits.* Sprouting is an excellent way to eat seeds. Sprouting increases
the nutritional value of foods and many new vitamins.* Minerals are also important. Raw vegetables are rich in minerals.* Sodium and Zinc are also beneficial in the treatment of fatigue.* Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot juice, taken separately
or in combination with juices of beets and cucumbers, is highly
valuable in overcoming fatigue.
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ATP Tour Finals and Tennis Injuries (Dave Regis)

Next week the O2 in London will play host to the ATP Tour Finals, where some of the world's best players will arrive in the capital to compete for glory. Nadal, Djokovic and Ferrer have all booked their place for the finals, with Federer just one match away from a guaranteed spot in the competition.

The ATP Tour Finals is the end of the year tournament for the world's best male tennis players, featuring the top eight singles and double competitors battling for the $1.9million prize. Last year it was Djokovic who took his second title in front of the London crowd. The tournament works on a round robin basis, moving to a knockout in the semi-finals.

After a long season the world's elite will be hoping to be at their best as they compete for the coveted trophy. Sports injuries are common for everyone, with the risk of injury increasing as a player becomes fatigued throughout the season.

Sprained Ankle

In a fast paced sport such as tennis where players turn at speed, along with an extensive amount of starting and stopping then the ankle can be prone to injuries. During the summer at Wimbledon there were a number of withdrawals from the tournament as a result of players slipping on the court and rolling their ankle. Whilst the injuries themselves were thankfully minor, it still led to a number of high profile early exits from the tournament.

Ankle injuries can range in their severity and are graded one to three depending on the extent of the damage and the rehabilitation required to full fitness. The majority of ankle injuries are grade one, where you roll your ankle from slipping on a wet floor or on the wet grass of a tennis court. This results in mild ligament damage which, whilst quite painful, will heal within a few days following rest.

The majority of sports injuries are as result of overuse and ankle injuries are no different, where fatigue can play a role resulting in a loss of concentration and the risk of rolling your ankle. An ankle injury can create instability in the joint, therefore failing to stop an activity can lead to further damage being caused should the ankle roll once again.

Tennis Elbow

The main cause of tennis elbow is from overuse, with a player complaining of an acute pain beneath the elbow joint. Should you continue playing the pain can become worse and result in reduced movement of the forearm and elbow as a result of the inflammation.

Lateral epicondylitis, as it is known clinically, results in pain centred on the outside of the elbow joint. Golfers elbow is another common elbow condition, though differs from tennis elbow in that pain is centred on the inside of the elbow joint.

Both tennis elbow and golfers elbow are self-limiting conditions in that they will get better over time following a period of rest, though in the case of this condition that timeframe can be up to two years. In extreme cases surgery may be required to rectify the issue, but typically rest, ice to manage inflammation and even the use of a tennis elbow support can help during recovery.

A tennis elbow support can also help manage golfers elbow, simply by twisting the band round so that compression can be focussed on the inside of the elbow joint rather than the outside. Compression helps to manage inflammation and reduce pain which can enable a person to stay active for longer. The support is also discreet and can be worn under clothing, allowing you to continue normally without letting your condition get in the way.

Final Thoughts

Sports injuries range in their degrees of severity, rehabilitation methods and overall recovery times. Following any injury it is advisable to stop what you are doing and rest, as carrying on in some cases and playing through the pain can cause further damage and lead lengthier spells on the sidelines.

You should rest for a few days following an injury, giving it the best possible chance to recover on its own. If the injury fails to get better within a few days then it is advisable to seek a professional diagnosis. A clinician will be able to determine the severity of an injury and advise on the best route to recovery, whether that is further rest, physiotherapy or the use of a sports brace such as an ankle support or a tennis elbow support.

Dave Regis discusses the use of orthotics for the management of sports injuries, reviewing injury rehabilitation through exercise and the use of bracing and supports. He frequently blogs and writes articles focussing on injuries such as tennis elbow and methods of rehabilitation.
Next week the O2 in London will play host to the ATP Tour Finals, where some of the world's best players will arrive in the capital to compete for glory. Nadal, Djokovic and Ferrer have all booked their place for the finals, with Federer just one match away from a guaranteed spot in the competition.

The ATP Tour Finals is the end of the year tournament for the world's best male tennis players, featuring the top eight singles and double competitors battling for the $1.9million prize. Last year it was Djokovic who took his second title in front of the London crowd. The tournament works on a round robin basis, moving to a knockout in the semi-finals.

After a long season the world's elite will be hoping to be at their best as they compete for the coveted trophy. Sports injuries are common for everyone, with the risk of injury increasing as a player becomes fatigued throughout the season.

Sprained Ankle

In a fast paced sport such as tennis where players turn at speed, along with an extensive amount of starting and stopping then the ankle can be prone to injuries. During the summer at Wimbledon there were a number of withdrawals from the tournament as a result of players slipping on the court and rolling their ankle. Whilst the injuries themselves were thankfully minor, it still led to a number of high profile early exits from the tournament.

Ankle injuries can range in their severity and are graded one to three depending on the extent of the damage and the rehabilitation required to full fitness. The majority of ankle injuries are grade one, where you roll your ankle from slipping on a wet floor or on the wet grass of a tennis court. This results in mild ligament damage which, whilst quite painful, will heal within a few days following rest.

The majority of sports injuries are as result of overuse and ankle injuries are no different, where fatigue can play a role resulting in a loss of concentration and the risk of rolling your ankle. An ankle injury can create instability in the joint, therefore failing to stop an activity can lead to further damage being caused should the ankle roll once again.

Tennis Elbow

The main cause of tennis elbow is from overuse, with a player complaining of an acute pain beneath the elbow joint. Should you continue playing the pain can become worse and result in reduced movement of the forearm and elbow as a result of the inflammation.

Lateral epicondylitis, as it is known clinically, results in pain centred on the outside of the elbow joint. Golfers elbow is another common elbow condition, though differs from tennis elbow in that pain is centred on the inside of the elbow joint.

Both tennis elbow and golfers elbow are self-limiting conditions in that they will get better over time following a period of rest, though in the case of this condition that timeframe can be up to two years. In extreme cases surgery may be required to rectify the issue, but typically rest, ice to manage inflammation and even the use of a tennis elbow support can help during recovery.

A tennis elbow support can also help manage golfers elbow, simply by twisting the band round so that compression can be focussed on the inside of the elbow joint rather than the outside. Compression helps to manage inflammation and reduce pain which can enable a person to stay active for longer. The support is also discreet and can be worn under clothing, allowing you to continue normally without letting your condition get in the way.

Final Thoughts

Sports injuries range in their degrees of severity, rehabilitation methods and overall recovery times. Following any injury it is advisable to stop what you are doing and rest, as carrying on in some cases and playing through the pain can cause further damage and lead lengthier spells on the sidelines.

You should rest for a few days following an injury, giving it the best possible chance to recover on its own. If the injury fails to get better within a few days then it is advisable to seek a professional diagnosis. A clinician will be able to determine the severity of an injury and advise on the best route to recovery, whether that is further rest, physiotherapy or the use of a sports brace such as an ankle support or a tennis elbow support.

Dave Regis discusses the use of orthotics for the management of sports injuries, reviewing injury rehabilitation through exercise and the use of bracing and supports. He frequently blogs and writes articles focussing on injuries such as tennis elbow and methods of rehabilitation.
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Common Tennis Injuries (Dave Regis)

2013 has seen some of the greatest British tennis in history, most notably with Andy Murray taking his first Wimbledon title to become the first Britain to win the coveted grand slam in 77 years. It was a remarkable achievement which has encouraged many to get back on the courts, with tennis clubs across the country benefiting from increased footfall and membership applications.

Tennis, as with every other sport, has a list of common injuries sustained by players. Andy Murray has been plagued with injury before his Wimbledon triumph and even had to end the season early to undergo surgery on a trapped nerve in his lower back.

For professional sportsman injuries are more than just an inconvenience, with tennis players being forced to miss key grand slam tournaments and having to wait another twelve months before being able to compete. The tennis season may be quite long but any sports injuries resulting in a couple of months on the sidelines can have a major impact on your overall success for the season.

Tennis Elbow

Known as lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow occurs as a result of overuse and affects the muscles surrounding the elbow. Players may complain of pain centred on the outside of the elbow which can also become inflamed and affect the overall movement of the joint.

The condition can result in the player feeling pain when moving their arm, whether lifting or bending it and can even result in difficulty in gripping items. The inflammation caused from the tennis elbow can be managed using ice, which can also help to address any pain felt during recovery.

Whilst the name may suggest that tennis elbow only occurs as a result of playing too much tennis this is not the case. Tennis elbow can occur as a result of undertaking any repetitive task, including painting and even from playing the violin.

It is important to differentiate tennis elbow from that of golfer's elbow in that whilst the conditions are similar, the latter sees pain being focussed on the inside of the elbow. The treatments for both however are largely the same.

Tennis elbow is a self-limiting condition in that it will get better in time, though can take two years before a full recovery is made. It is important to note that if you believe you are suffering from tennis elbow you cease your activity to prevent further damage as in more serious cases surgery may be required.

Shoulder Injuries

Due to the nature of tennis, shoulder injuries can be quite common with an enormous amount of strain being placed on the joint during a player's career. With players capable of hitting a tennis ball over 140mph you can imagine the amount of pressure being placed on the shoulder joint to continually achieve this.

One of the more common forms of shoulder injury encountered is Shoulder Bursitis and occurs as a result of overuse. The inflammation of the Bursa can lead to difficulties in rotating the shoulder and hampering a player's ability to play effectively.

Ankle injuries

High active sports can lead to ankle injuries, with an enormous amount of pressure being placed on the ankle joints. In considering tennis a player is required to sprint at full speed over short distances and pivot quickly to make the shots they need.

We saw at Wimbledon a number of ankle injuries occurring as a result of players slipping on the court, with many complaining they were too slippy. This may have been the case, but such a sport will have an impact on the ankle joint and can lead to injury.

Ankle injuries occur when there is damage to the ligaments, typically from the joint rolling. Ligaments are the tough bands of tissue which connect the bones and are responsible for stability of the joint. A sprained ankle is because there is damage to the ligaments surrounding the joint and we all know the impact this has on being able to walk, let alone run around a tennis court.

A sprained ankle is one of the more common ankle injuries experienced and with a few days of rest and ice to manage any inflammation a player will be back out on court. In more serious cases however ligament damage can result in a lengthy layoff and if surgery is required you can expect to miss the entire season. Surgery will only typically be considered as a last resort and may involve stitching the ligaments back together.

As ankle injuries go, ligament damage is something to avoid as not only can it be very painful but following surgery you will require an extensive physiotherapy programme to rebuild strength in the joint before you're capable of competing once again.

As players continually push themselves to achieve on the court, protecting themselves from injury can sometimes be at the back of their mind. What is important to remember with any injury, from overuse conditions such as tennis elbow to ankle injuries resulting from slips and trips is to stop and rest. If you continue to play or remain active after an injury then you are in danger or making things worse, which can increase your recovery time. If you are ever in doubt as to the severity of an injury you should speak with a clinician.

Dave Regis discusses the use of orthotics for the management of sports injuries, reviewing injury rehabilitation through exercise and the use of bracing and supports. He frequently blogs and writes articles focussing on tennis elbow and methods of rehabilitation.
2013 has seen some of the greatest British tennis in history, most notably with Andy Murray taking his first Wimbledon title to become the first Britain to win the coveted grand slam in 77 years. It was a remarkable achievement which has encouraged many to get back on the courts, with tennis clubs across the country benefiting from increased footfall and membership applications.

Tennis, as with every other sport, has a list of common injuries sustained by players. Andy Murray has been plagued with injury before his Wimbledon triumph and even had to end the season early to undergo surgery on a trapped nerve in his lower back.

For professional sportsman injuries are more than just an inconvenience, with tennis players being forced to miss key grand slam tournaments and having to wait another twelve months before being able to compete. The tennis season may be quite long but any sports injuries resulting in a couple of months on the sidelines can have a major impact on your overall success for the season.

Tennis Elbow

Known as lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow occurs as a result of overuse and affects the muscles surrounding the elbow. Players may complain of pain centred on the outside of the elbow which can also become inflamed and affect the overall movement of the joint.

The condition can result in the player feeling pain when moving their arm, whether lifting or bending it and can even result in difficulty in gripping items. The inflammation caused from the tennis elbow can be managed using ice, which can also help to address any pain felt during recovery.

Whilst the name may suggest that tennis elbow only occurs as a result of playing too much tennis this is not the case. Tennis elbow can occur as a result of undertaking any repetitive task, including painting and even from playing the violin.

It is important to differentiate tennis elbow from that of golfer's elbow in that whilst the conditions are similar, the latter sees pain being focussed on the inside of the elbow. The treatments for both however are largely the same.

Tennis elbow is a self-limiting condition in that it will get better in time, though can take two years before a full recovery is made. It is important to note that if you believe you are suffering from tennis elbow you cease your activity to prevent further damage as in more serious cases surgery may be required.

Shoulder Injuries

Due to the nature of tennis, shoulder injuries can be quite common with an enormous amount of strain being placed on the joint during a player's career. With players capable of hitting a tennis ball over 140mph you can imagine the amount of pressure being placed on the shoulder joint to continually achieve this.

One of the more common forms of shoulder injury encountered is Shoulder Bursitis and occurs as a result of overuse. The inflammation of the Bursa can lead to difficulties in rotating the shoulder and hampering a player's ability to play effectively.

Ankle injuries

High active sports can lead to ankle injuries, with an enormous amount of pressure being placed on the ankle joints. In considering tennis a player is required to sprint at full speed over short distances and pivot quickly to make the shots they need.

We saw at Wimbledon a number of ankle injuries occurring as a result of players slipping on the court, with many complaining they were too slippy. This may have been the case, but such a sport will have an impact on the ankle joint and can lead to injury.

Ankle injuries occur when there is damage to the ligaments, typically from the joint rolling. Ligaments are the tough bands of tissue which connect the bones and are responsible for stability of the joint. A sprained ankle is because there is damage to the ligaments surrounding the joint and we all know the impact this has on being able to walk, let alone run around a tennis court.

A sprained ankle is one of the more common ankle injuries experienced and with a few days of rest and ice to manage any inflammation a player will be back out on court. In more serious cases however ligament damage can result in a lengthy layoff and if surgery is required you can expect to miss the entire season. Surgery will only typically be considered as a last resort and may involve stitching the ligaments back together.

As ankle injuries go, ligament damage is something to avoid as not only can it be very painful but following surgery you will require an extensive physiotherapy programme to rebuild strength in the joint before you're capable of competing once again.

As players continually push themselves to achieve on the court, protecting themselves from injury can sometimes be at the back of their mind. What is important to remember with any injury, from overuse conditions such as tennis elbow to ankle injuries resulting from slips and trips is to stop and rest. If you continue to play or remain active after an injury then you are in danger or making things worse, which can increase your recovery time. If you are ever in doubt as to the severity of an injury you should speak with a clinician.

Dave Regis discusses the use of orthotics for the management of sports injuries, reviewing injury rehabilitation through exercise and the use of bracing and supports. He frequently blogs and writes articles focussing on tennis elbow and methods of rehabilitation.
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Dandruff Causes and Treatment

* Scaliness increases whenever the hair is brushed or rubbed.
   It may also appear as lumps or crusts on the scalp.* There will be itching and the scalp may become red from
   scratching. * The main causes of dandruff are wrong feeding, constipation,
  emotional  tension, harsh shampoos, and exposure to cold
  and general exhaustion.* Keep the hair and scalp clean so as to minimize the accumulation
   of dead cells.* The hair should be brushed daily to improve the circulation and
   remove any flakiness.* In the case of long hair, two strokes would be best to avoid
   stretching the hair.* The scalp should also be thoroughly massaged every day
   using one’s finger tips and working systematically over the head. * Diet plays an important role in the treatment of dandruff.* A warm water enema should be taken daily to cleanse the bowels
   and all other measures adopted to eradicate constipation.HOMEMADE REMEDIES FOR DANDRUFF* The use of fenugreek seeds is one such remedy. Two tablespoons
  of fenugreek seeds should be soaked overnight in water. The
  softened seeds should be ground into a fine paste in the morning.
  This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left for half-an-hour.
  The hair should then be washed thoroughly with soapnut solution or
  shikakai.* The use of a teaspoon of fresh line juice for the last rinse,
while washing hair, is equally beneficial.* Dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab
this on to the hair with cotton wool in between shampooing.
Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing
also helps to disperse dandruff.
* Scaliness increases whenever the hair is brushed or rubbed.
   It may also appear as lumps or crusts on the scalp.* There will be itching and the scalp may become red from
   scratching. * The main causes of dandruff are wrong feeding, constipation,
  emotional  tension, harsh shampoos, and exposure to cold
  and general exhaustion.* Keep the hair and scalp clean so as to minimize the accumulation
   of dead cells.* The hair should be brushed daily to improve the circulation and
   remove any flakiness.* In the case of long hair, two strokes would be best to avoid
   stretching the hair.* The scalp should also be thoroughly massaged every day
   using one’s finger tips and working systematically over the head. * Diet plays an important role in the treatment of dandruff.* A warm water enema should be taken daily to cleanse the bowels
   and all other measures adopted to eradicate constipation.HOMEMADE REMEDIES FOR DANDRUFF* The use of fenugreek seeds is one such remedy. Two tablespoons
  of fenugreek seeds should be soaked overnight in water. The
  softened seeds should be ground into a fine paste in the morning.
  This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left for half-an-hour.
  The hair should then be washed thoroughly with soapnut solution or
  shikakai.* The use of a teaspoon of fresh line juice for the last rinse,
while washing hair, is equally beneficial.* Dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab
this on to the hair with cotton wool in between shampooing.
Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing
also helps to disperse dandruff.
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